
Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Rwandan butcher Kagame wins a round


Rwandan butcher Kagame wins a round

July 26, 2011 | Filed under: Features | Posted by: Herman
As the British say, wonder never cease. The UK International Development Secretary, Andrew Mitchell, yesterday (25 July 2011)landed in Rwanda to join fellow conservatives on annual voluntary work in Rwanda. Amazing!
We had put a bet of one cow if Andrew Mitchell went to shake hands with the devil, the butcher of Rwanda General Kagame. We reasoned that the Butcher of Rwanda is beyond redemption given his near-total isolation due to his recent actions.
We lost the bet. The Kagame sycophants who taunted us that Mitchell will visit their hero the butcher of Rwanda can now collect their cow.
You win some you lose some.
The Rwandan dictator will no doubt claim this visit as an endorsement to his murderous regime. But Mr Dictator, as you continue your charm offensive, the voices committed to exposing your true colours will not cease.
These voices include Rwandan Diaspora in UK that was recently warned by Scotland Yard of imminent danger posed by Kagame kIlling machine.
We read from that Uganda's Kaguta Museveni you have been desperately attempting to win over will also visit you shortly.
No doubt you will claim his visit too as a victory and an endorsement to your crazy agendas – if he lands in your shiny Capital City, Kigali.
Gloat as you wish.
But as we pay our one cow bet, we would make another bet that you don't sleep in one place. You are a haunted man. The people you harass, intimidate and kill are haunting you.
Superficially the visits of Andrew Mitchell and President Museveni will allow you and your sycophants to claim a victory in your propaganda war. You will sing loudly that you are an African 'leader'. You are not. And they know it.
Paul Kagame, you recently declared yourself to be an unstoppable elephant that bulldozes its way to the water. In this scenario of yours, those who try to engage you to stop your excesses are useless noise-making frogs. The silver lining is that these guests, no matter their own agendas, bring warnings to you Mr Dictator that if you go on with your killing rampage, the over-confident and powerful elephant might meet an unexpected end. Thanks to the persistent frogs' noise that alert the entire animal kingdom to rebel against the murderous bully. History shows many such examples Mr Elephant Sir – including your predecessor, Dictator Habyarimana.
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