The Cult of Prime Minister and Rucagu should be guarded against the Catholic Church.
July 25, 2013 by Leave a Comment
At the recent ceremony of consecration of the Bishop of the Catholic Church, Bishop Kambanda of Kibungo Diocese, the Prime Minister urged the Catholic Church to support the Youth movement of Edward Bamporiki, which was formed by the RPF machinery to solicit votes for Kagame in the elections of 2017 through the political agenda of labeling all Hutus as genociders so that no one will challenge him, since according to Kagame all Hutus derive guilty from their parents or relatives in the same way mankind inherited the sin from Adam and Eve the first occupants of the garden of Aden.
Whoever tries to challenge Kagame and RPF is labeled a thief, criminal, genocide, negationist, genocide denier depending on his ethnic background despite the fact that the ethnic background in Rwanda is very difficult to determine for certainty, what the former regimes did though was to introduce national Identity Cards with
ethnic background. It is not clear how the Kagame, Habumuremyi and Rucagu camp will tell who is a Hutu or Tutsi save for the Twas who are not even mentioned in the Rwandan political spectrum.
Will the RPF bring back the National Identity card that bears the ethnicity? Will they introduce a new syllabus in the schools where they will tell teachers to tell students to stand up or sit according to their ethnic background? How will they differentiate the Hutus from Tutsis?
Kagame and RPF have been all along evangelizing the gospel of Rwandaism a country without ethic divisions only the classic divisions manipulated by the colonists and the Catholic Church, now they are coming with same tactics that were used by the past regimes of divide and rule.
Apparently it is only in Rwanda that the Roman Catholic Church is told what to do by the government, the Catholic Church is known worldwide to be pro-people and an advocate of the poor, that's why Pope Francis has told the Vatican officials to go back to ethics of the Catholic Church to work for the poor, love for mankind and peace in the world. It is still in the minds of many Rwandans and the Catholic church that on the orders of Kagame Three (3) Top Roman Catholic Bishops were murdered in Kabgayi because according to Kagame they were members or perceived to be pro- the regime of MRND, now the Kagame regime is playing the same cards of lobbying the Catholic Church to work for the RPF ruling party.
The Catholic Church should be independent and pro-people not pro-regimes, the Prime Minster should stop indulging the Catholic Church in Partisan politics. The Rwandan proverb that a stick used to hit your co-wife should be thrown away (inkoni ikubise mukeba bayirenza urugo). How can the Catholic Church forget so quickly what happened to their colleagues? The Catholic Church should be brave enough to resist any temptations using the prayer of Our Father who is in Heaven.
"Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen" Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4.
Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen" Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4.
This is not only a message for the Catholic Church but also the Youth, all the past regimes have indulged the Youth in criminal activities and after being used, they find themselves on the wrong side of history, 18 years is not too long for the Youth like Bamporiki not to reflect and draw back lessons from the speech of President Habyarimana were he said that he will tell his Youth (Interahamwe) to go down and hunt for the enemy. Now in the same analogy the Kagame regime told the youth to go down on their knees and apologize for the crimes their realtives and parents committed. Why should these young men be confused and misled to be used like Robots and later to be thrown in the eternal hell?
If really Kagame and his regime did not order the massacre of the 3 Catholic Bishops and other Priests, why can't Kagame and RPF allow the Catholic Church to give them a decent burial they deserve?
It is unfortunate that Kagame has manipulated the political climate in Rwanda, unfortunately we do not have a sound opposition that can challenge some of the evil acts of RPF and Kagame, the Catholic Church has been a victim of the aggression of the Kagame regime, because whenever, the Catholic Church demands their own rights, they are labelled genocide sympathisers, this has undermined and eroded the independence and confidence of the Catholic Church.
It is therefore, imperative that the Catholic Church resists the temptations, intimidations, harassment of the Kagame and RPF the same way, the Pope John Paul II, who clandestinely resisted the communism after the Second World War until it was defeated in 1990s. It is indeed, the responsibility of every Rwandan to resist the autocratic regime of Kagame and RPF, the international community should assist the Rwandans to build a future that will stand generations to come without ethic characterisation, we should build Rwanda of Rwandans without Hutus, Tutsis, and Twas.
Jacqueline Umurungi
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