
Friday 5 June 2015


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humanitarian news and analysis

Table of contents
1. Beyond the body counts: Why murder rates matter to humanitarians
2. Noul hits, but Philippines learns the lessons of Haiyan
3. Psychologists stay home: Nepal doesn't need you
4. Bringing drones down to earth
5. Help at last for Sri Lanka war widows
6. All at sea: what lies behind Southeast Asia's migrant crisis?
7. Kept afloat by hope - the endless odyssey of the Rohingya
8. Philippines strives to end recruitment of child soldiers
9. Glimmer of hope for Southeast Asia's migrants
10. The identity crisis frustrating Nepal's quake survivors
11. Why bin Laden's thoughts matter
12. IRIN's Top Picks: Siege gardening, Scientology and aid pledges
13. Which way is up? Flatpacks alone can't solve global shelter crisis*
14. An 'almost impossible job' - 10 tips for the UN's next humanitarian boss
15. Grief not justice for Uzbeks in Kyrgyzstan
16. Lives at risk as Nepal earthquake funding dries up
17. The struggle for survival across Ukraine's frontline
18. Lucky escape for Rohingya boys who took the bait

Beyond the body counts: Why murder rates matter to humanitarians

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NEW YORK, 8 May 2015 (IRIN) - Murder statistics can speak volumes about a country and help guide humanitarian intervention. That's the idea behind the Homicide Monitor, an online data visualisation tool launched this week. We delve beyond the headline figures.
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Noul hits, but Philippines learns the lessons of Haiyan

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MANILA , 11 May 2015 (IRIN) - Powerful Typhoon Noul slammed into the the Philippines late Sunday, but the damage was less severe than some had feared. Officials say lessons learned in the wake of the Typhoon Haiyan disaster had proved effective and people had this time heeded warnings and moved to safety.
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Psychologists stay home: Nepal doesn't need you

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LONDON, 11 May 2015 (IRIN) - Following the earthquake in Nepal, psychologist Alessandra Pigni recalls her experiences in humanitarian aid: she reminds Western do-gooders that affected populations are resilient and that pathologising suffering after a traumatic event may get in the way of healing and recovery.
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Bringing drones down to earth

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KATHMANDU, 12 May 2015 (IRIN) - Disaster coverage now seems incomplete without amazing drone footage of the damage, accompanied by effusive media reports on the technological wizardry of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and their humanitarian application. But is that really the story? Here's a look at the evolution needed for them to better fulfill their potential.
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Help at last for Sri Lanka war widows

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VAVUNIYA, 13 May 2015 (IRIN) - Sri Lanka's new government is finally addressing the plight of women made widows by the country's long and bitter civil war. The fighting may be over, but a staggering number of families in the north of the country, where the fighting was fiercest, are now headed by single women who are struggling to make ends meet.
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All at sea: what lies behind Southeast Asia's migrant crisis?

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OXFORD, 15 May 2015 (IRIN) - The plight of thousands of migrants and asylum seekers from Myanmar and Bangladesh, left adrift without food and water for nearly a week, has all the hallmarks of a full-blown humanitarian crisis. Yet despite statements of concern from governments, aid agencies and human rights groups, there is little sign of a coordinated plan to address the issue.
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Kept afloat by hope - the endless odyssey of the Rohingya

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KUALA LUMPAR, 18 May 2015 (IRIN) - Faizal Ahmad has just spent six months at sea, in an open boat crammed with 450 people, praying that Allah would deliver him to safety and a future free of persecution.
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Philippines strives to end recruitment of child soldiers

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MANILA, 20 May 2015 (IRIN) - The Philippines government has taken steps to make good on its pledged to stop the use of child soldiers by all official and non-state armed groups. But the apparent surrender of an 11 year-old boy who has been fighting with the communist New People's Army for the past six years, shows the practice is still widespread among the country's insurgent militias.
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Glimmer of hope for Southeast Asia's migrants

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OXFORD/KUALA LUMPUR, 20 May 2015 (IRIN) - Indonesia and Malaysia have agreed to provide temporary shelter and assistance to thousands of migrants still stranded at sea in Southeast Asia, but they have stopped short of offering to find their boats and bring them ashore.
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The identity crisis frustrating Nepal's quake survivors

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MAILUNG , 21 May 2015 (IRIN) - Mento Ghale did what any parent would do when Nepal's 25 April earthquake struck her village of Mailung: she grabbed the children and got them out of the house as quickly as she could.
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Why bin Laden's thoughts matter

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LONDON, 21 May 2015 (IRIN) - Osama bin Laden's recently released writings on humanitarian aid were treated with skepticism and scorn by many observers. Here's why you should pay attention.
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IRIN's Top Picks: Siege gardening, Scientology and aid pledges

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DUBAI, 22 May 2015 (IRIN) - Welcome to IRIN's reading list. Every week our global network of specialist correspondents share some of their top picks of recent must-read research, interviews, reports, blogs and in-depth articles to help you keep on top of global crises.
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Which way is up? Flatpacks alone can't solve global shelter crisis*

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BELGRADE, 25 May 2015 (IRIN) - IKEA's new flatpack shelter partnership with the UNHCR is well and good, but how about reforming the process as well as the product? Now that could make a more profound difference, Paul Currion argues in his latest column.
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An 'almost impossible job' - 10 tips for the UN's next humanitarian boss

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LONDON, 26 May 2015 (IRIN) - Former UN humanitarian chief John Holmes has a few words of advice for the next person to take up the job, British politician Stephen O'Brien.
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Grief not justice for Uzbeks in Kyrgyzstan

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OSH, 26 May 2015 (IRIN) - Five years after ethnic riots roiled Kyrgyzstan, not only has the minority Uzbek community found little to no justice for the hundreds killed but it finds itself increasingly blamed and marginalised as Kyrgyz nationalism takes hold.
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Lives at risk as Nepal earthquake funding dries up

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NUWAKOT, 26 May 2015 (IRIN) - There was an outpouring of emergency funding in the immediate aftermath of the Nepal earthquake. But one month on, lives are at risk as the money dries up. With monsoon rains expected within weeks, relief efforts are expected to become even more challenging in a country where many villages are accessible only by foot:
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The struggle for survival across Ukraine's frontline

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LUHANSK, UKRAINE, 28 May 2015 (IRIN) - Ukraine's frontline cuts across the east of the country like a jagged scar. Despite a February ceasefire, the fighting hasn't stopped. In March and April, Kristina Jovanovski had rare access to rebel-held areas to investigate the humanitarian disaster that has unfolded on Europe's doorstep. Read her exclusive report on why aid isn't getting through.
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Lucky escape for Rohingya boys who took the bait

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SAY THA MAR GYI, MYANMAR, 29 May 2015 (IRIN) - For thousands of Rohingya living in squalid camps and suffering discrimination in Myanmar, the chance to escape to a new life is a tempting one. But many end up in jungle camps, held for ransom, or stranded on boats at sea. Maung Zaw Lin and Maung Tin Shwe took the traffickers' bait. Find out what happened to them:
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