
Tuesday, 31 December 2013

[RwandaLibre] La Haye/Pays-Bas: Manifestation de Soutien à Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, le 25 Janvier 2014


La Haye/Pays-Bas: Manifestation de Soutien à Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, le 25 Janvier 2014

Rwandaises, Rwandais, Amis du Rwanda
Cet appel vous concerne!
Le 13/12/2013, le verdict de la Cour Suprême dans le procès politique qui opposait Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, Présidente des FDU-INKINGI, contre le régime répressif du président rwandais Paul Kagame est finalement tombé.

La condamnation de Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza Présidente des FDU-INKINGI à 15 ans de prison ferme est injuste et scandaleuse.
C'est une prisonnière politique, et elle doit être libérée, de même que tous les autres prisonniers politiques rwandais.
Loin d'être un cas isolé, celle-ci n'est que la tête de l'iceberg de l'injustice journalière que subit le peuple rwandais. Cette condamnation est un message fort que le gouvernement rwandais envoie à l'ensemble de l'opposition démocratique pour la terroriser, à savoir : « Il n y aura jamais d'ouverture politique et tout opposant sera emprisonné ». En effet, les charges aujourd'hui retenues contre la Présidente des FDU-Inkingi, sont à quelques détails près, les mêmes que celles retenues contre les autres chefs de l'opposition, condamnés par la justice rwandaise, à savoir : Deo Mushayidi, Président du PDP-IMANZI et Bernard Ntaganda, Président du PS-IMBERAKURI.
Les FDU-INKINGI en collaboration avec d'autres partis politiques de l'opposition démocratique rwandaise, et les organisations de la société civile, ont décidé d'organiser une série de manifestations qui commenceront aux Pays-Bas le 25/01/2014. 
La Présidente des FDU-Inkingi résidait dans ce pays depuis 16 ans avant de retourner au Rwanda le 16 Janvier 2010.
Depuis plusieurs années, le gouvernement néerlandais est parmi les plus grands bailleurs du système judiciaire et de la police au Rwanda : il forme des magistrats, des procureurs, fait construire des prisons etc… Mais au lieu de servir et de protéger le peuple rwandais, ces structures judiciaires sont plutôt utilisées pour opprimer la population rwandaise. Toute opposition politique est durement et injustement réprimée par cette justice soutenue par le gouvernement néerlandais et ce gouvernement le sait. Ce gouvernement peut donc contribuer à résoudre le problème et contribuer à éradiquer l'oppression du peuple rwandais.
En organisant ces différentes manifestations nous voulons :
− Dénoncer et condamner cette injustice et cette répression systématique instaurée au Rwanda ;
− Faire pression pour la libération de madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza présidente des FDU-Inkingi et de tous les autres prisonniers politiques rwandais ;
− Dénoncer le silence complice et l'hypocrisie de pays qui soutiennent le régime répressif rwandais ;
− Demander à nos compatriotes rwandais de sortir de leur torpeur et d'exiger l'ouverture de l'espace politique car c'est pour le bien du peuple rwandais ;
− Demander à tous les pays amis du Rwanda d'user de leur influence auprès du régime afin de l'amener à ouvrir l'espace politique, tel que demandé par le parlement européen dans sa résolution 2013/2641(RSP).
L'adresse du rendez-vous vous sera ultérieurement communiquée.
Date et Heure: 25/01/2014 de 11h00 à 15h00
Il y a des Bus prévus pour partir de Bruxelles vers la Hollande. Faisons-nous inscrire dès maintenant.
Personnes de Contact en Hollande et en Belgique:
− S. Niyibizi : +31632087688 / P. Nsengiyumva : +3161648767
− Antoine Niyitegeka : +32 478 48 92 58 / Straton Nduwayezu : +32 488 79 74 66

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[RwandaLibre] La Haye/Pays-Bas: Manifestation de Soutien à Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, le 25 Janvier 2014


La Haye/Pays-Bas: Manifestation de Soutien à Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, le 25 Janvier 2014

Rwandaises, Rwandais, Amis du Rwanda
Cet appel vous concerne!
Le 13/12/2013, le verdict de la Cour Suprême dans le procès politique qui opposait Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, Présidente des FDU-INKINGI, contre le régime répressif du président rwandais Paul Kagame est finalement tombé.

La condamnation de Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza Présidente des FDU-INKINGI à 15 ans de prison ferme est injuste et scandaleuse.
C'est une prisonnière politique, et elle doit être libérée, de même que tous les autres prisonniers politiques rwandais.
Loin d'être un cas isolé, celle-ci n'est que la tête de l'iceberg de l'injustice journalière que subit le peuple rwandais. Cette condamnation est un message fort que le gouvernement rwandais envoie à l'ensemble de l'opposition démocratique pour la terroriser, à savoir : « Il n y aura jamais d'ouverture politique et tout opposant sera emprisonné ». En effet, les charges aujourd'hui retenues contre la Présidente des FDU-Inkingi, sont à quelques détails près, les mêmes que celles retenues contre les autres chefs de l'opposition, condamnés par la justice rwandaise, à savoir : Deo Mushayidi, Président du PDP-IMANZI et Bernard Ntaganda, Président du PS-IMBERAKURI.
Les FDU-INKINGI en collaboration avec d'autres partis politiques de l'opposition démocratique rwandaise, et les organisations de la société civile, ont décidé d'organiser une série de manifestations qui commenceront aux Pays-Bas le 25/01/2014. 
La Présidente des FDU-Inkingi résidait dans ce pays depuis 16 ans avant de retourner au Rwanda le 16 Janvier 2010.
Depuis plusieurs années, le gouvernement néerlandais est parmi les plus grands bailleurs du système judiciaire et de la police au Rwanda : il forme des magistrats, des procureurs, fait construire des prisons etc… Mais au lieu de servir et de protéger le peuple rwandais, ces structures judiciaires sont plutôt utilisées pour opprimer la population rwandaise. Toute opposition politique est durement et injustement réprimée par cette justice soutenue par le gouvernement néerlandais et ce gouvernement le sait. Ce gouvernement peut donc contribuer à résoudre le problème et contribuer à éradiquer l'oppression du peuple rwandais.
En organisant ces différentes manifestations nous voulons :
− Dénoncer et condamner cette injustice et cette répression systématique instaurée au Rwanda ;
− Faire pression pour la libération de madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza présidente des FDU-Inkingi et de tous les autres prisonniers politiques rwandais ;
− Dénoncer le silence complice et l'hypocrisie de pays qui soutiennent le régime répressif rwandais ;
− Demander à nos compatriotes rwandais de sortir de leur torpeur et d'exiger l'ouverture de l'espace politique car c'est pour le bien du peuple rwandais ;
− Demander à tous les pays amis du Rwanda d'user de leur influence auprès du régime afin de l'amener à ouvrir l'espace politique, tel que demandé par le parlement européen dans sa résolution 2013/2641(RSP).
L'adresse du rendez-vous vous sera ultérieurement communiquée.
Date et Heure: 25/01/2014 de 11h00 à 15h00
Il y a des Bus prévus pour partir de Bruxelles vers la Hollande. Faisons-nous inscrire dès maintenant.
Personnes de Contact en Hollande et en Belgique:
− S. Niyibizi : +31632087688 / P. Nsengiyumva : +3161648767
− Antoine Niyitegeka : +32 478 48 92 58 / Straton Nduwayezu : +32 488 79 74 66

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[RwandaLibre] President Museveni of Uganda is planning another genocide


President Museveni of Uganda is planning another genocide after planned and organised the Rwandan genocide.

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President Museveni of Uganda is planning another genocide afterplanned and organised the Rwandan genocide.

President Museveni of Uganda is planning another genocide afterplanned and organised the Rwandan genocide.
Museveni's threats against Machar are not helpful. With the support from the UK and USA governments, Museveni heavily armed Kagame to fight the peacefulRwanda in 1990-1994. The result of this was the genocide. After this Museveni has been fighting in DR Congo wherehe killed millions of Congolese people. No-one can trust him. He could have used the same rhetoric about South Sudan to prevent genocide in Rwanda. Probably he regrets his support to the war criminal and dictator Paul Kagame and this is why he is trying to do something now in South Sudan. But we all know thathe is a staunch supporter of thecurrent South Sudan regime. Rwandan and Ugandan Military troops are alreadyfighting against Machar. By supporting one side of the conflicts, they are preparing another genocide. This is how the Rwandan genocide happened. One side ( Kagame's guerrilla war) of the conflict was supported by Museveni, UK and USA during the Rwanda's war. The International Community should learn from the UK , Uganda and USA's involvement in the Rwanda's war to prevent the genocide in Central African Republic and South Sudan.

'Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said on Monday east African nations had agreed to move in and defeat Machar if he rejected the ceasefire offer, threatening to turn the fighting into a regional conflict.'

President Museveni of Uganda is planning another genocide afterplanned and organised the Rwandan genocide.

President Museveni of Uganda is planning another genocide after planned and organised the Rwandan genocide.
Museveni's threats against Machar are not helpful. With the support from the UK and USA governments, Museveni heavily armed Kagame to fight the peaceful Rwanda in 1990-1994. The result of this was the genocide. After this Museveni has been fighting in DR Congo where he killed millions of Congolese people. No-one can trust him. He could have used the same rhetoric about South Sudan to prevent genocide in Rwanda. Probably he regrets his support to the war criminal and dictator Paul Kagame and this is why he is trying to do something now in South Sudan. But we all know that he is a staunch supporter of the current South Sudan regime. Rwandan and Ugandan Military troops are already fighting against Machar. By supporting one side of the conflicts, they are preparing another genocide. This is how the Rwandan genocide happened. One side ( Kagame's guerrilla war) of the conflict was supported by Museveni, UK and USA during the Rwanda's war. The International Community should learn from the UK , Uganda and USA's involvement in the Rwanda's war to prevent the genocide in Central African Republic and South Sudan.

'Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said on Monday east African nations had agreed to move in and defeat Machar if he rejected the ceasefire offer, threatening to turn the fighting into a regional conflict.'

President Museveni of Uganda is planning another genocide

President Museveni of Uganda is planning another genocide after  planned and organised  the Rwandan genocide.
Museveni's  threats against Machar are not helpful. With the support from the UK and USA  governments, Museveni heavily armed Kagame to fight the  peaceful  Rwanda in 1990-1994. The result of this was the genocide. After this  Museveni has been fighting in DR Congo where  he killed millions of Congolese people.  No-one can trust him. He could have used the same rhetoric about South Sudan to prevent genocide in Rwanda. Probably he regrets  his support to the war criminal and dictator Paul Kagame and this is why he is  trying to do something now  in South Sudan. But we all know that  he is a staunch supporter of   the  current South Sudan regime. Rwandan and Ugandan Military troops are already  fighting against Machar. By supporting one side of the conflicts, they are preparing another genocide. This is how the Rwandan genocide happened. One side ( Kagame's guerrilla war)  of the conflict was supported by Museveni, UK and USA during the Rwanda's war. The International Community  should learn from  the UK , Uganda and USA's involvement in the Rwanda's war  to prevent the genocide in Central African Republic and South Sudan.
 'Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said on Monday east African nations had agreed to move in and defeat Machar if he rejected the ceasefire offer, threatening to turn the fighting into a regional conflict.'

President Museveni of Uganda is planning another genocide

President Museveni of Uganda is planning another genocide after  planned and organised  the Rwandan genocide.
Museveni's  threats against Machar are not helpful. With the support from the UK and USA  governments, Museveni heavily armed Kagame to fight the  peaceful  Rwanda in 1990-1994. The result of this was the genocide. After this  Museveni has been fighting in DR Congo where  he killed millions of Congolese people.  No-one can trust him. He could have used the same rhetoric about South Sudan to prevent genocide in Rwanda. Probably he regrets  his support to the war criminal and dictator Paul Kagame and this is why he is  trying to do something now  in South Sudan. But we all know that  he is a staunch supporter of   the  current South Sudan regime. Rwandan and Ugandan Military troops are already  fighting against Machar. By supporting one side of the conflicts, they are preparing another genocide. This is how the Rwandan genocide happened. One side ( Kagame's guerrilla war)  of the conflict was supported by Museveni, UK and USA during the Rwanda's war. The International Community  should learn from  the UK , Uganda and USA's involvement in the Rwanda's war  to prevent the genocide in Central African Republic and South Sudan.
 'Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said on Monday east African nations had agreed to move in and defeat Machar if he rejected the ceasefire offer, threatening to turn the fighting into a regional conflict.'

[RwandaLibre] Film Review: Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom


Un film a voir absolument.

Ce film qui vient de sortir en salle partout en Europe, aux Etats Unis, etc.
Film yitwa : "Mandela: long walk to freedom".
Sans aucun doute, abanyarwanda bakora politiki, dans les conditions presque identiques nk'iz'igihe Mandela yari afunzwe, bazakuramo amasomo menshi.
Njye nayirebye deja.
Happy New Year 2014!
  Pour votre info...

Film Review: Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

Posted by: Jazz Tangcay 30 December 2013
Film Review: Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom 
Film Review: Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

Review Overview

Acting - 7
Direction - 6
Writing - 5
Technical Aspects - 5



Summary : Overall, poignant and compelling with a standout performance from Idris Elba, Mandela... is solid, yet not without flaws, particularly in its pacing and actual storytelling. It feels like Wikipedia's version of Nelson Mandela - but with great actors.
Watching a film based on the life of Nelson Mandela days after his passing was always going to be a poignant experience. Portraying and capturing his incredible life was going to be a tall order for anyone.
The film, based on Mandela's 700-page memoir, runs at 146 minutes, highlighting, albeit unevenly, the key moments in Mandela's (Idris Elba) life. The first half of the film literally flies through events: Mandela the lawyer. Mandela the married man who leaves his first wife for his second wife, Winnie (Naomie Harris). Mandela, the political figure who grows frustrated with his country's racial divide, driving him to join the African National Congress. Abruptly, the film, as did Mandela's life, slows down almost to a halt as the second half focuses on Mandela's 27 years of imprisonment in Robben Island Prison. Possibly a cinematic choice from director Justin Chadwick, the distinctly oppositional paces of the first and second half of the film are rather jarring, as we go from trying to keep up with all of the events crammed into the first half to the slow passage of time in the film's second half.
Chadwick does give us some beautiful moments in the film. There are expansive shots of South African scenery, the emotional, heartfelt depictions of political uprisings, and Mandela's brutal moments spent in prison. Screenwriter William Nicholson does a solid job of adapting a lengthy memoir into an ultimately compelling picture. However, perhaps more compelling would have been fewer events, told in a more careful, detailed manner in order to give the viewer time to absorb all that was Mandela's life.
What saves Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom is its actors, who are at the top of their game. Idris Elba captures Mandela in ways never seen before on film, from his inflection to his vocal cadences to his laughter - we really feel Mandela's spirit. Elba carries the role of one of the world's greatest figures with such ease and accuracy that at times it feels like we are hearing the real Mandela. Naomie Harris' feisty portrayal of Winnie is fascinating to watch, as we see the character transform from a devoted wife with an underlying, yet untapped fire, to a passionate yet aggressive activist. Harris takes on the arc of Winnie Mandela and embraces it to bring forth a visceral, authentic performance.
Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom is a captivating film, but perhaps largely due to the sheer nature of the force of Nelson Mandela's life. The persuasive performances of Elba and Harris make the film an enthralling experience, but you may find yourself catching your breath during the first hour.
Mandela: Long Walk to Freedomis in cinemas from 3 January. Featured image courtesy The Weinstein Company.

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[RwandaLibre] Film Review: Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom


Un film a voir absolument.

Ce film qui vient de sortir en salle partout en Europe, aux Etats Unis, etc.
Film yitwa : "Mandela: long walk to freedom".
Sans aucun doute, abanyarwanda bakora politiki, dans les conditions presque identiques nk'iz'igihe Mandela yari afunzwe, bazakuramo amasomo menshi.
Njye nayirebye deja.
Happy New Year 2014!
  Pour votre info...

Film Review: Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

Posted by: Jazz Tangcay 30 December 2013
Film Review: Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom 
Film Review: Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

Review Overview

Acting - 7
Direction - 6
Writing - 5
Technical Aspects - 5



Summary : Overall, poignant and compelling with a standout performance from Idris Elba, Mandela... is solid, yet not without flaws, particularly in its pacing and actual storytelling. It feels like Wikipedia's version of Nelson Mandela - but with great actors.
Watching a film based on the life of Nelson Mandela days after his passing was always going to be a poignant experience. Portraying and capturing his incredible life was going to be a tall order for anyone.
The film, based on Mandela's 700-page memoir, runs at 146 minutes, highlighting, albeit unevenly, the key moments in Mandela's (Idris Elba) life. The first half of the film literally flies through events: Mandela the lawyer. Mandela the married man who leaves his first wife for his second wife, Winnie (Naomie Harris). Mandela, the political figure who grows frustrated with his country's racial divide, driving him to join the African National Congress. Abruptly, the film, as did Mandela's life, slows down almost to a halt as the second half focuses on Mandela's 27 years of imprisonment in Robben Island Prison. Possibly a cinematic choice from director Justin Chadwick, the distinctly oppositional paces of the first and second half of the film are rather jarring, as we go from trying to keep up with all of the events crammed into the first half to the slow passage of time in the film's second half.
Chadwick does give us some beautiful moments in the film. There are expansive shots of South African scenery, the emotional, heartfelt depictions of political uprisings, and Mandela's brutal moments spent in prison. Screenwriter William Nicholson does a solid job of adapting a lengthy memoir into an ultimately compelling picture. However, perhaps more compelling would have been fewer events, told in a more careful, detailed manner in order to give the viewer time to absorb all that was Mandela's life.
What saves Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom is its actors, who are at the top of their game. Idris Elba captures Mandela in ways never seen before on film, from his inflection to his vocal cadences to his laughter - we really feel Mandela's spirit. Elba carries the role of one of the world's greatest figures with such ease and accuracy that at times it feels like we are hearing the real Mandela. Naomie Harris' feisty portrayal of Winnie is fascinating to watch, as we see the character transform from a devoted wife with an underlying, yet untapped fire, to a passionate yet aggressive activist. Harris takes on the arc of Winnie Mandela and embraces it to bring forth a visceral, authentic performance.
Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom is a captivating film, but perhaps largely due to the sheer nature of the force of Nelson Mandela's life. The persuasive performances of Elba and Harris make the film an enthralling experience, but you may find yourself catching your breath during the first hour.
Mandela: Long Walk to Freedomis in cinemas from 3 January. Featured image courtesy The Weinstein Company.

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[RwandaLibre] Poll: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton most admired


Poll: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton most admired

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are pictured. | Reuters

Clinton and Obama lead the poll by wide margins. | Reuters

President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lead as the most admired man and woman in America, respectively, by wide margins, according to a new poll Monday.

Obama and Clinton top the Gallup poll for the sixth consecutive year.

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Sixteen percent of Americans surveyed said they most admired Obama, a dozen points ahead of the next contenders, former President George W. Bush and Pope Francis, who each got 4 percent. Former President Bill Clinton got 2 percent, and former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former President Jimmy Carter each got 1 percent to round out the top.

(PHOTOS: Who's talking about Hillary Clinton 2016?)

Clinton led among women with 15 percent. Behind her were Oprah Winfrey, with 6 percent, and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and first lady Michelle Obama, each with 5 percent.

Though the president and the possible 2016 presidential candidate will top the poll for another year, both saw their level of support decline in the past year. Thirty percent picked Obama in 2012, and 21 percent picked Clinton.

(PHOTOS: Obama's second term)

This is the 18th time that Clinton has topped the list as most admired woman in America, a record in Gallup's polling history, and it's her 12th year in a row.

Gallup surveyed 1,031 adults from Dec. 5 to 8 for the poll, which has an error margin of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

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