
Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Brussels: Rwandans in Hundreds at FreeVictoire demonstration

Brussels, Coming Saturday 20 Oct, Rwandans in Hundreds will gather for (another) #FreeVictoire demonstration. Be There to Support Ingabire's and other Rwandan Political prisoners noble cause
Rwandan political prisoner and opposition leader Victoire Ingabire has refused to continue playing the role of defendant in her show trial in Rwandan President Paul Kagame's kangaroo court and asked her lawyers not to return either
Photo: Rwandan political prisoner and opposition leader Victoire Ingabire has refused to continue playing the role of defendant in her show trial in Rwandan President Paul Kagame's kangaroo court and asked her lawyers not to return either
Photo: Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza "is an extraordinarily courageous woman. She's an intelligent woman. She's a fiercely independent woman. She's a person that I've got on extremely well with. She's loyal and it's my very firm belief that what she wants is the very best for the Rwandan people. She makes absolutely no distinction whatsoever between Hutu, Tutsi, Twa.   She sees the Rwandan people as simply that, the Rwandan people." - Iain Edwards, Victoire's lawyer
Photo: It is almost a year that Ms Ingabire will be in Prison and   her trial is marred with unclear judicial approaches. She is a victim of political process  designed to silence a political competitor in order to perpetuate the dictatorship of one party-state, the RPF.
Photo: Victoire Ingabire left Rwanda almost two years ago in January 2010 to return to her native Rwanda in hopes of challenging Rwandan President Paul Kagame in the country's 2010 presidential election. Her party was not allowed to register, she was not allowed to run, and she has spent the last year not as the president of Rwanda, but as a prisoner in Kigali's 1930 maximum security prison.
Photo: Ms. Umuhoza is truthful and brave in promoting political  democratic dialogue which Rwanda needs to pursue, in order to demonstrate a real commitment to supporting equality and true respect for human rights in central Africa.
Photo: In her statement, Ingabire said, "Shall I die or live, be detained or freed, what we have achieved will never go back. This movement is even stronger than I am." Rwandan refugees all over the world have thanked her for finally making it possible for them to tell their stories, and her supporters will now seek to have her declared a political prisoner by the UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights.
Photo: The RPF has developed an arsenal of laws intended to overawe opponents 3. The RPF believes that Rwandans should abide by fear 4 rather than conviction,  persuasion, as this is the case in civilized and democratic nations. It is curious, but revealing, that all these draconian laws, on divisionism (2002) and genocide ideology (2008) were enacted each time before an election. It is equally significant that all persons who claimed to the highest office (Ms. Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza in 2010, Dr. Theoneste Niyitegeka in 2003, Pasteur Bizimungu (1994-2000), have been convicted or charged in courts as if it was a crime of lese majesty to propose an alternative to the disastrous governance of the RPF.
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