
Monday, 15 October 2012

EURAC EDITORIAL: Daring to support democracy activists in the Great Lakes region

Regarding Rwanda, EurAc has often denounced the EU's silence with regard to the lack of respect for human rights, which makes the work of human rights organisations very difficult, if not impossible, since they risk imprisonment or even death. EurAc and its member organisations have welcomed the decision by the European Parliament to accept the nomination of Victoire Ingabire, Déo Mushaidi and Bernard Ntaganda among the candidates for the Sakharov 2012 Prize for freedom of expression. This is the kind of courage that we would like to see among our institutions and governments when they talk about democratisation and defence of human rights in the Great Lakes region. In order to go beyond just words and good intentions, this democratisation also has to follow on from the courage to dare to offer real political support to these activists. Unfortunately the EP has not voted for the three Rwandan opposition leaders on the list of finalists for the Sakharov Prize. EurAc notes with dismay that the decision was influenced by the negative campaign conducted by certain parliamentarians who continue to support the government with very little critical thinking. In future weeks, this will give us a further opportunity to continue to remember that the EU has a fundamental role to play in the stabilisation of the Great Lakes region, which must follow on from respect for human rights and a commitment towards real democratisation in the three countries.

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