No Cavalry For South Sudan
Jan 1, 2014
By Harry C. Alford, NNPA Columnist
Once again, another part of the world has been thrown into turmoil.
This is happening more and more since former Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton thought her job was to party and tour the world with a
seemingly endless budget. Go everywhere, talk and smile and wave to
the minions but don't even think about diplomacy, world peace and
stability. Her boss, President Obama, was fine with this style. He
calls it "Leading from Behind." There is no such thing. To do this
is actually called "following" and the world needs no more followers
as it cries for leaders.
The United States is the richest nation on earth with resources
matched by no other country. Yet, we are becoming timid and the
enemies, especially the daring ones, are like hyenas waiting to pounce
on each opportunity. Iran sees us as a "sucker." China and Russia
note our reticence and take advantage of this cowardice. Then there
was a big lie told during the last election. The administration kept
repeating that Al Qaeda "was on the run." They told this lie so much
that they started believing in it themselves. Then the Benghazi
attack came and woke the nation up. The fact is Al Qaeda and many
other terrorist factions are in a growth mode and are full of vigor
and defiance. They know the United States is becoming timid and is
without a strategy to bring security and peace to the world as we used
to do.
So when South Sudan broke out in ethnic battles last week, we all
looked surprised. American citizens were trapped in our embassy and
subsidiary buildings. Slowly and in a timid style a few of our troops
are coming in to help them get out. Yes, we are running away from the
fighting as we no longer do that too well. The UN, Norway and a few
others are trying to lead and stop the violence. South Sudan is the
world's youngest nation and it appears that its two years of life are
in jeopardy. There is a chance that this outburst may turn into
Rwanda-style genocide. We should have all seen this coming.
The South Sudanese are no strangers to violence. They are the
survivors of the ruthless Darfur genocide that killed millions,
mostly women and children. They have a new country with a new
government but that is no simple and sustaining act. It is extremely
tribal. The two main tribes are the Dinka and the Nuer. From there
we have dozens of other tribes and the nation has 60 dialects to deal
with (English is the official language while there is a push to bring
in Swahili). As one tribe attacks another and brings ruthless murder
and mayhem, the other brings revenge. Pretty soon there is revenge
after revenge after revenge and so it goes just like Rwanda. The
first week accounted for more than 1,000 dead. More than 120,000
persons are displaced by the violence. That is a scary start.
The deal is that South Sudan, despite its current poverty levels, is
one of the richest lands in the world. It has one of the largest oil
reserves in the world. There is also plenty of timber, iron ore,
copper, chromium ore, zinc, tungsten, mica, silver, gold, diamonds,
hardwoods, limestone and hydropower. If they could all come together
under a united and accountable government, every one of the 8 million
citizens could be happy and prosperous. But the greedy and envious
want it all for themselves. Hence, the paranoia amongst the ethnic
divisions brings mass murder and it will get worse unless the powers
around the world step in to stop it and bring order. All it took in
Rwanda were two French battalions and an expedition force for Tanzania
to stop the carnage. It took years of neglect from the United States,
UN and others until the French said "enough."
The Africa Union would be a perfect model to bring peace. This
organization of all the sub-Saharan African nations could organize
itself, get training expertise from the U.S. and European nations plus
significant financing for a mechanized, mobile armed forces and move
in under martial law. Kill the bad guys and bring order. From there,
they can start a rebuilding effort similar to the ones in Germany and
Japan after World War II. With success, they can send a message out
to all other Jihad and rebellious types: "It is a new day in Africa.
A day of peace, reconciliation and prosperity for we have the gold,
oil, diamonds, farmland and every other blessing from our Lord. From
here on, we set the rules and woe to those who challenge us.
Wouldn't that be great? I pray that day will come soon. My African
brothers and sisters rely on yourselves because the cavalry is not
necessarily going to come.
Harry C. Alford is the co-founder, President/CEO of the National Black
Chamber of Commerce ®. Website: . Email:
YouTube Channel:
***Online Time: 15H30-20H00, heure de Montréal.***Fuseau horaire
domestique: heure normale de la côte Est des Etats-Unis et Canada
(GMT-05:00)***Bonne Année 2014!***
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Useful Links
- African Science News Service, ASNS
- African Conservation Tillage Network, ACT
- African Centre for Technology Studies
- Think Africa Press
- Websites on Africa
- Royal African Society
- African Women's Organisations
- Claiming Human Rights
- IRIN News Links
- Africa Desk
- The African Studies Companion: A Guide to Information Sources
- Africa Portal
- The African Studies Centre in Leiden
- Organisations Working in Africa
- Africa Studies Center
- The ASAUK ( Africa Studies Association of the UK)
- A Guide to Africa on the Internet
- Africa Selected Internet Resources
- Ashoka
- Arid Lands Information Network
- Arid Lands Newsletter
- ApproTEC
- Annan, Kofi - The Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa
- American Friends Service Committee (Quakers)
- Agridoc - Medagri
- Agricultural University of Norway
- Agricola (National Agricultural Library)
- Agence de la Francophonie
- Afristat, l'Observatoire Economique et Statistique d'Afrique Subsaharienne
- Afrigadget
- Africare
- African Youth Foundation
- African Science News Service, ASNS
- African Population Database Documentation
- African Market
- African Leadership and Progress Network
- African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development
- African Forum & Network on Debt & Development (AFRODAD)
- African Finance and Economics Association (AFEA)
- African Development Foundation, ADF
- African Development Forum 2002 -
- African Development Forum III (U.N. Economic Commission for Africa, March 3-8, 2002, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
- African Development Bank
- African Conservation Tillage Network, ACT
- African Centre for Technology Studies
- African Centre for Economic Growth
- African Capacity Building Foundation
- Africa Works
- Africa Renewal (formerly Africa Recovery) (New York, NY)
- Africa Focus - Africa: Remittances Update
- Africa Files
- Africa Development / Afrique et Developpement
- Africa Can | End Poverty
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