
Friday, 4 September 2020

Detained Hotel Rwanda hero betrayed by SADC president

A man whose heroism was depicted in the Hollywood film Hotel Rwanda has been arrested on terrorism charges, Rwandese police have said.

Paul Rusesabagina, 66, was paraded in handcuffs in front of the media at the Rwanda Investigations Bureau in Kigali on Mondaym, financing terrorism, arson kidnap and murder", bureau spokesman Thierry Murangira said.

Rusesabagina was played by US actor Don Cheadle in the 2004 film Hotel Rwanda, which tells the story of how he sheltered Tutsis fleeing slaughter in the hotel he managed.

He moved abroad following the 1994 genocide and received international acclaim for his campaigning, and is a well-known critic of President Paul Kagame

Rusesabagina was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom – the highest civilian honour in America – by former US President George W Bush in 2005.

But back home he sparked outrage when he warned of another genocide – this time by the Tutsis against the Hutus.

The Watchdog understands that he was actually betrayed by a named president of a country in SADC. He was duped that he was being flown to meet this particular president in his country but was instead delivered to Kagame. The named president is believed to be funding rebels in Rwanda but is now trying to mend fences with Kagame

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