
Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Petition | Soudan: Don't execute Meriam Yehya Ibrahim for being Christian #SaveMeriam

 Don't execute Meriam Yehya Ibrahim for being Christian #SaveMeriam

Don't execute Meriam Yehya Ibrahim for being Christian #SaveMeriam

    1. Emily Clarke
    3. Petition by

      Emily Clarke

      Malmesbury, United Kingdom

Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, a Sudanese mother, doctor and Christian, has been sentenced to flogging and death unless she recants her Christian faith. She was 8 months pregnant when she was arrested and has now given birth to a baby girl. Her baby and her two-year-old son are with her in prison. Please, join the international community in asking Sudan not to execute her for being a Christian.

Ibrahim is charged with adultery on the grounds that her marriage to a Christian man from South Sudan is considered void under Shari'a law, for which the penalty is flogging. She's also charged with apostasy, or abandonment of religion, for which the penalty is death. 

Meriam is the daughter of a Christian woman and Muslim man.  She was raised Christian after her father left.  However, Sudanese law mandates that children born to Muslim fathers are considered Muslim.

When I read the news about Meriam, I couldn't sit back and do nothing so I started this petition. People around the world rallied to raise awareness to #bringbackourgirls kidnapped Nigeria, I hope the world will also stand up for Meriam.

The fact that a woman could be sentenced to death for her religious choice, and to flogging for being married to a man of an allegedly different religion is abhorrent.  

Call upon the Government of Sudan to respect the right to freedom of religion and free Meriam!

Government of Sudan 
World Leaders 
Save Meriam Yehya Ibrahim

[Your name]


  1. Let's keep up the pressure until we know Meriam is safe and free

    Emily Clarke
    Petition Organizer

    The last 48 hours have been a whirlwind of news surrounding the case of Meriam Ibrahim. On Monday, a Sudanese appeals court ruled that she should be set free, and that they charges she was facing -- arrested and sentenced to die for not being willing to give up her Christian faith or renounce her marriage to her husband, Daniel -- should be voided.

    Then on Tuesday, as she went to the airport to leave with her husband and kids, she was held by Sudanese intelligence officials, and we are still waiting to know if she has been able to leave the country.

    While this story plays out, we cannot let up on our demand that Meriam be set free and allowed to travel with her husband and her two kids. We are almost at one million signatures. Please, while Meriam's future still remains uncertain, share this petition with on Facebook, Twitter, or with your friends and family, and keep up the global momentum for Meriam to be free.

    With your help we can build more than one million voices calling for Meriam's freedom. She is so close. Please stand with me once more and show the rest of the world that Meriam should be free and reunited with her family.

    Thank you for taking action.

  2. Meriam Freed After Appeals Court Ruling

    Emily Clarke
    Petition Organizer

    Today a Sudanese appeals court ordered Meriam's release from the prison where for months she's been awaiting execution for her refusal to renounce her Christian faith. The decision comes after almost a million people from around the world -- including you! -- signed my petition on that added to the chorus of international voices demanding justice for Meriam.

    Over the past few months world leaders like David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and John Kerry, the United States Secretary of State, have spoken out against Meriam's imprisonment, and media coverage of her story has raised an important conversation about religious freedom and women's rights around the world.

    I started my petition after I saw how the #BringBackOurGirls campaign, focused on freeing 276 girls kidnapped in Nigeria, got over a million signatures and launched a global movement that spurred governments to take action. Now, thanks to our voices, a young mother and her children have been freed from prison and the right to religious freedom is a little bit safer.

    Over the next few days we will be monitoring reports from Sudan; we cannot let our guard down until we are sure Meriam is home with her family and safe from other threats.

    But let today's events be a message to the rest of the world that we will not stand by and let injustice happen. We've proven once again that coming together online can make a real difference toward the goal of human rights for everyone.

  3. Reached 500,000 signatures
  4. Pile on the Pressure and #saveMeriam

    Emily Clarke
    Petition Organizer

    Earlier we heard the amazing news that Meriam is to be released. But in the past few hours there have been concerning reports surrounding the circumstances of her release. We are trying to get to the bottom of this and will keep you posted. So far your support has been phenomenal and, thanks to you, the world is finally listening. We must not give up on Meriam now. So please stand with me once more to pile on the pressure and send the message to the Government of Sudan and the rest of the world that we will not settle until Meriam is truly free.

  5. Meriam is 'to be freed'

    Emily Clarke
    Petition Organizer

    The news that we have been dying to hear but couldn't have even imagined. Just sixteen days after Meriam was sentenced to be hanged we learn that she will 'be freed' in a few days time. Your support has been overwhelming. I'll keep you posted with more news as it comes out. Words cannot express how grateful I am to you for saving Meriam. Thank you.

  6. Reached 400,000 signatures
  7. Mariam's baby is born

    Emily Clarke
    Petition Organizer

    Thank you so much for signing the petition to #saveMariam. This morning Mariam gave birth in prison to a baby girl. Her husband has not yet been allowed to visit Mariam and her newborn baby. Her young son also remains with her in prison.

    Media reports ( state that she will be able to nurse her baby for two years before the death sentence is carried out.

    Please continue to sign and share the petition. Ask your friends to sign

    Mariam's 20 month old son and new born daughter need their mum.

    Thank you.

  8. Reached 300,000 signatures


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