
Saturday 22 February 2014

Fw: *DHR* Uganda: Museveni Replies to Obama on Gays

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From: Jean Bosco Sibomana <>
To: Sibomana Jean Bosco <>
Sent: Saturday, 22 February 2014, 20:59
Subject: *DHR* Uganda: Museveni Replies to Obama on Gays

Uganda: Museveni Replies to Obama on Gays

22 February 2014 , By Yoweri K. Museveni Gen. (Rtd), Source: Observer

I have seen the statement H.E President Obama of the USA made in
reaction to my statement that I was going to sign the anti-homosexual
Bill, which I made at Kyankwanzi.

Before I react to H.E. Obama's statement, let me, again, put on record
my views on the issue of homo-sexuals (ebitiingwa, bisiyaga in some of
our dialects).

Right from the beginning of this debate, my views were as follows:

1. I agreed with the MPs and almost all Ugandans that promotion of
homosexuality in Uganda must be criminalized or rather should continue
to be criminalized because the British had already done that;

2. those who agreed to become homosexuals for mercenary reasons
(prostitutes) should be harshly punished as should those who paid them
to be homosexual prostitutes; and

3. exhibitionism of homosexual behavior must be punished because, in
this part of the World, it is forbidden to publicly exhibit any sexual
conduct (kissing, etc) even for heterosexuals; if I kissed my wife of
41 years in public, I would lose elections in Uganda.

The only point I disagreed on with some of the Members of Parliament
(MPs) and other Ugandans was on the persons I thought were born
homosexual. According to the casual observations, there are rare
deviations in nature from the normal. You witness cases like albinos
(nyamagoye), barren women or men (enguumba), epa (breastless women)
etc. I, therefore, thought that similarly there were people that were
born with the disorientation of being attracted to the same sex. That
is why I thought that that it was wrong to punish somebody on account
of being born abnormal. That is why I refused to sign the Bill and,
instead, referred it to our Party (the NRM) to debate it again. In the
meantime, I sought for scientific opinions on this matter.

I am grateful to Ms. Kerry Kennedy of the USA who sent me opinions by
scientists from the USA saying that there could be some indications
that homosexuality could be congenital. In our conference, I put these
opinions to our scientists from the Department of Genetics, the School
of Medicine and the Ministry of Health. Their unanimous conclusion was
that homosexuality, contrary to my earlier thinking, was behavioural
and not genetic. It was learnt and could be unlearnt. I told them to
put their signatures to that conclusion which they did. That is why I
declared my intention to sign the Bill, which I will do. I have now
received their signed document, which says there is no single gene
that has been traced to cause homosexuality. What I want them to
clarify is whether a combination of genes can cause anybody to be
homosexual. Then my task will be finished and I will sign the Bill.

After my statement to that effect which was quoted widely around the
World, I got reactions from some friends from outside Africa.
Statements like: "it is a matter of choice" or "whom they love" which
President Obama repeated in his statement would be most furiously
rejected by almost the entirety of our people. It cannot be a matter
of choice for a man to behave like a woman or vice-versa. The argument
I had pushed was that there could be people who are born like that or
"who they are", according to President Obama's statement.

I, therefore, encourage the US government to help us by working with
our Scientists to study whether, indeed, there are people who are born
homosexual. When that is proved, we can review this legislation. I
would be among those who will spearhead that effort. That is why I had
refused to sign the Bill until my premise was knocked down by the
position of our Scientists.

I would like to discourage the USA government from taking the line
that passing this law will "complicate our valued relationship" with
the USA as President Obama said. Countries and Societies should relate
with each other on the basis of mutual respect and independence in
decision making.

"Valued relationship" cannot be sustainably maintained by one Society
being subservient to another society. There are a myriad acts the
societies in the West do that we frown on or even detest. We, however,
never comment on those acts or make them preconditions for working
with the West. Africans do not seek to impose their views on anybody.
We do not want anybody to impose their views on us. This very debate
was provoked by Western groups who come to our schools and try to
recruit children into homosexuality. It is better to limit the damage
rather than exacerbate it.

I thank everybody.

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